Episode 2 - Climbing Closer to God: The Stylite Monks of Ancient Cilicia

The fifth century of the Byzantine Period witnessed a new movement near Antioch in Syria that included Christian ascetics who sought to isolate themselves atop stop pillars. Beginning with Simeon Stylites the movement spread northward into Asia Minor. Isolation became ever harder as the faithful, even the Roman Emperor himself, sought the monks' advice and wisdom.
Icon of Simeon Stylites (Credit: Wellcome Collection)

Join me on The Dirt as I speak with Dr. Daniel Browning, Jr. regarding his recent research across the area of Rough Cilicia in Turkey as he tracks the remains of these fascinating Church Fathers. You'll get the real Dirt on these outrageous column-sitting monks who lived out their years high above the "sins of the world."
Dr. Daniel Browning
atop his own column in Asia Minor

Byzantine Church & Column, Köşkerli Örenyeri

The Column, Köşkerli Örenyeri

                                                      Fallen Column and Podium, Örendibi

Read more about St. Simeon and the Stylites:
Church of St Simeon Damaged in Rocket Attack 
Church of Simeon the Younger

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